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Digital Marketing Proposal

 The purpose of this digital marketing proposal is to give you a bit of information about DIGALI OPC and the various digital marketing services we offer, along with information and pricing for a custom digitalmarketing solution based on your needs. Based on our previous discussion, I feel like we are a good fit forone another. I've spoken with my team, and they're excited to get to work helping you reach yourmarketing goals.At the end of this document, you'll find a pricing table that includes the services we've discussedpreviously. If after reviewing our full list of services you feel like the items in the pricing table don't fit yourneeds appropriately, just send me a comment (to the right) and I'll make any necessary changes.Once you're happy with the services and prices for your custom digital marketing solution, go ahead and e-sign at the bottom of this proposal and we'll move forward from there!

About us

DIGALI OPC PVT LTD is a full-service digital marketing agencybased in SOUTH BENGAL.In today's digital business world, you need a partner who canhelp you take advantage of marketing opportunities across avariety of channels in real-time. [Sender.DIGALI OPC PVT LTD combines a data-driven approachwith knowledge gained from years in digital marketing todeliver outstanding results to our clients.  

Our Services
 DIGALI OPC is an end-to-end provider of digitalmarketing services. Whether you're looking for a turnkeymanaged strategy, an independent audit, or services specificto a short-term campaign, our experience and approach aresure to prove to be a valuable asset.Our in-house services include: 

*Web Design & Development

 *Social Media Marketing    


Your website is the center of your digital presence. It's one of the few places on the internet where you candeliver your brand's message free of distortion or distraction.Digali Opc pvt Ltd web developmentservices are perfect for brands at any stage.Our web development team can help you build your brand's website from the ground up. We specialize inbuilding websites that tell a unique brand story while meeting the expectations of today's most discerningconsumers.If your website is already built but isn't performing to expectations, we can perform a detailed audit andwork with you to improve site architecture, design, and responsiveness. You Get Website With Maintance.


 Social Media has changed how brandscommunicate with their audiences forever.Whether your business is a B2B or B2C brand,social media is a powerful way to build brandawareness, build a positive image, and drive leadgeneration. We specialize in strategic social mediacampaigns that focus on building and protecting apositive brand image, creating loyalty among fans,and driving new leads for your business. 
Our fullsuite of social media services includes

:Social Strategy Development                   * Facebook        *Linked In
                                                                     *instagram        * Tiktok         
 Social Media Consulting

 Social Media Advertising

 Community Engagement

Your Unique Digital Marketing Package

In this section, you'll find a pricing table that includes the digital marketing services that I feel areappropriate based on our previous discussion. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to typethem in to the right of the proposal and I'll receive an immediate notification.If you agree that the services and price below meet your expectations, go ahead and complete thisdocument via electronic signature at the bottom of this page.

Name                                             qty                                         price
Social Media Marketing                  4                                            5000

Web Solution  ( Any Type)            Depend On Your Need           9000( Starting)


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