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I have heard from many people around me that their expenses always seem to keep up with their income. They do not understand why they earn more than they used to but still have no money left at the end of the month. They struggle financially because when their income goes up, their expenses also go up. However, their assets do not increase, but their liabilities do! They work to make their boss rich, they work to pay government taxes, and they work for the bank to pay off their debts. Working harder means that you will have to hand over an even bigger share of your efforts to these three parties. The rich get richer because their assets generate more than enough income to cover their expenses, and part of the income is then reinvested into new assets, therefore increasing the generated income even further. On the stock market, net income which is reinvested is called retained earnings. Reinvesting income into new assets triggers the power of compounded interest, to which Einstein once famously referred as the "eighth wonder of the world".

  1. Businesses that do not require your presence
  2. Stocks
  3. Bonds
  4. Mutual funds
  5. Income-generating real estate
  6. Royalties


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