If you have learned music, or even tried learning it, you will know that it is all about the analytics. Learning music involves notes, sequence, synchorinization and practice.
Music is one of the few fields where there is a combination of both analytics and creativity. The technical part of music is hard to learn initially, but once you learn how to make music with a specific instrument according to its rules, you can bring out your creativity – and play the tune in your head, using the instrument you learned.
The science and analytics behind music is an enabler for expression of creativity. It creates a channel through with you can express your creativity and product music that can be enjoyed by your listeners.
Similarly, digital marketing involves analytics, websites, hosting, payments, conversions, tracking, email marketing and a lot of technologies.
But you do not learn these technologies for the sake of learning technology.
You learn these because it creates a platform and a channel through which you can manifest your art – that can be consumed by your followers and subscribers.
Right now, I am writing a blog post – and sharing my thoughts about the relationship between digital marketing and music. This is creative work.
But this creative work (writing my thoughts out) will not be possible unless I have a blog with lakhs of subscribers, which were gathered through the past few years by creating a digital marketing funnel.
In the digital marketing funnel, I have to look at:
- How much to invest in branding and personal branding
- How to much to invest in lead generation
- What products to create (by understanding what my customers want)
- Have a sales copy and drive traffic to it via ads
- Get an ROI (return on investment) on my ad spend by selling my courses.
- Make sure that existing customers are satisfied with my courses.
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